How To Participate In The World Peace Day DDP!

Gary Lachance
3 min readJul 4, 2020


Are you ready to help co-create the most innovative Parties the world has ever witnessed? To Wage Peace on a global scale and turn the entire world into a dance floor with a Mixed-Reality celebration that takes place simultaneously both Online and in the streets?

Join us as we distantly (or digitally) dis-dance alongside hundreds of others in Vancouver and beyond. The first fully Decentralized Party of the new decade!

The Party will be held on World Peace Weekend- Saturday September 19th starting at 3PM PDT :)

Here’s how it works!

As demonstrated in the video above, everyone on the Zoom call can be a Party Node out in the streets, spreading the vibe to hundreds of Strangers!

There are two ways to join- either virtually or terrestrially:


If you’d like to join virtually, CLICK HERE to acquire your by-donation ticket :)

Be sure to imbibe our Virtual Party Strategy Guide and The Party Manifesto before joining to maximize your Party experience!


We’re not sure yet how many people will be sharing the Party back into the streets across the globe, but we will definitely have at least three Vancouver teams representing!

All teams will be ensuring that social distancing protocol is followed and have hand sanitizer for anyone in need. They will also have very loud Soundboks speakers, so no need to be close to enjoy the music :)

Click HERE to learn more about becoming a Party Node and HERE to see the ridiculous amount of work required to Wage Peace in the streets!


We now have a DDP Party Beacon app, so that you can easily track down the Parties above OR host your own and let the Party People find YOU!

Click HERE to directly access the web app- no downloads required!
(be sure to enable your GPS “location services” on iPhone and specifically enable access for your web browser in your privacy settings or it won’t work)


Here’s a video showing exactly how it works :)

However you attend, DO NOT MISS our critically-acclaimed Party Manifesto!

And this great discussion about turning the world into a dance floor with some world-renowned friends of the DDP!


For 11 years, the “Decentralized Dance Party” (or “DDP”) was a giant roaming street Party with no Central audio source and no Central location; created using an FM radio transmitter to broadcast music and voice to hundreds of boomboxes, carried by thousands of participants!

But with the dawning of the Pandemic, the DDP went virtual, resulting in a weekly Party event and the pledge that we would host these VDDPs
Every Saturday Night Until The Entire World Is Partying Together”.

Our ultimate vision is to unite the entire world in celebration. The Party Revolution needs YOU!

Unseasonably Warm Regards,
Tom and Gary and the Elite DDP Party Family



Gary Lachance
Gary Lachance

Written by Gary Lachance

Decentralized Dance Party / Decentralizing all the things / Enriching the unfathomable reservoirs of the Absurd!

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